Forces Help to Buy

What is Forces Help to Buy?

Forces Help to Buy (FHTB) is a Government-backed initiative, helping active members of the British Armed Forces make the move to a fantastic new home.

Under the scheme, Armed Forces Personnel can borrow up to 50% of their annual salary, to a maximum of £25,000, interest free, allowing you to purchase your dream Allison home in a way that is affordable.

The scheme helps military personnel to buy their first-time home, and those needing to move to another property. This can be either because they are assigned elsewhere or as a result of personal and medical circumstances.

From January 2023, Forces Help to Buy became permanent, meaning all personnel, now and in the future can find support on their journey to homeownership.

About the loan:

The loan can contribute towards your deposit and other costs such as solicitor and estate agent’s fees. It is repaid in monthly instalments, interest free, over a maximum of 10 years. You can choose to start making loan repayments straight away, six months after receiving your loan, or in your final 10 years of service.

Providing you meet the criteria, you can apply for the Forces Help to Buy through the Joint Personnel Administration (JPA) system. You can also speak to your Chain of Command and Personnel Agency for advice. Forces Help to Buy is accepted by most mainstream mortgage lenders, although you need to make lenders and financial advisers aware beforehand as it needs to be factored into your affordability and borrowing capacity.


Forces Help to Buy is available to all Regular Service Personnel who:

  • have completed the pre-requisite length of service
  • are not a reservist or a member of the Military Provost Guard Service
  • have more than six months left to serve at the time they apply
  • meet the right medical categories

There may be exceptions to this criteria, especially where there are special medical and personal circumstances.

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