Make a complaint

Not Happy?

We hope that you will not have any problems after you move into your new home, however, we do appreciate that sometimes things can go wrong, and we want you to know, we are here to help

If you wish to make a complaint our simple, five stage process below will ensure your complaint is investigated thoroughly and responded to in a timely manner.

Allison Homes Icons for Making a Complaint


Stage 1 – Written Acknowledgement

In the first instance please address your formal complaint to

Your complaint will be acknowledged by the Regional Head of Customer Experience within 3 working days from the first business day after your complaint was received (the complaint start date)


Stage 2 – Path to Resolution

Within 10 working days of the complaint start date we will write to you to outline how we will investigate your concerns. Our response at this stage will always aim to set out clearly to you a resolution for the issue raised, the steps needed and an anticipated timescale.


Stage 3 – Response

Within 30 calendar days of your complaint start date, we will send to you a complaint assessment and response letter. This will provide the following information

  • Details of and a separate report on each complaint raised
  • If the complaint has been resolved, details of the action taken
  • In the very unlikely event that your complaint remains unresolved after 56 calendar days of the complaint start date, we will send a further response to provide information on what has caused the delay, what the next steps are and the anticipation date for resolution.
  • If further investigation or works are needed, we will give you an update within 28 days

When a complaint is not accepted as being valid, we will provide a clear explanation for our decision and information about any dispute resolution service offered by the warranty provider, that you can refer your complaint to if you remain dissatisfied.


Stage 4 – Eight Week Letter

If your complaint is not resolved within 56 calendar days from your complaint start date, we will send you a letter which will include the following information

  • A summary of all actions taken to date
  • Clear details on what remains outstanding, a reason why and the actions currently being taken
  • An estimated time frame for when the complaint will be settled
  • How often you can expect to receive our updates, which will be no less than every 28 days

Stage 5 – Closure Letter

We will provide you with a closure letter at any stage after your complaint start date if we consider your complaint to be resolved. This will include the following information a list of the agreed items within the complaint assessment and the action taken with confirmation we consider the items are resolved.


Still not satisfied?

Your home comes with the added protection of the Consumer Code, if you feel we haven’t acted fairly, you are within your rights to utilise the Consumer Codes Independent Dispute Resolution service, more details on now can be found at